English Graduate Degree Program

What We Offer

English MA StudentsGraduate study in the Department of English presents an opportunity for you to work with a dedicated and gifted faculty in small classes and to receive a noteworthy level of personal attention. The close faculty-student mentoring relationships that our small class sizes allow enables our graduate students to develop their critical, creative, and professional skills to an extent many larger programs cannot match. It's not unusual for our graduate students to present papers at regional and national conferences, even international ones, or to submit manuscripts and creative work for publication. In recent years, grad students have traveled as far as Spain, Hawaii, California, and Italy with financial support from Winthrop to present their research and creative work. Very few other programs our size can provide such support.

Each member of the graduate faculty holds a Ph.D. and is an active scholar in his or her field; the Department also includes widely-published fiction writers and poets. At the same time, Winthrop is primarily a teaching institution, and the Department of English is committed to teaching excellence. We note that five of our members have won prestigious teaching awards and that teaching is at the center of every faculty member's work. 

Why Get a Master of Arts Degree in English?

A recent study published by the Association of Departments of English shows that more than half of faculty teaching English in collegiate settings in the United States have a stand-alone M.A. degree, so it is a valuable professional credential for college teaching. In recent years, about 40% of the students who receive an M.A. in English at Winthrop have also been admitted to doctoral programs, usually with assistantships. Others have gained employment teaching in two-year and four-year colleges and secondary education, as well as going on to law school, divinity school, and other professional programs, and to careers in editing, writing, business, and other professional fields. Whatever your career goals, we are happy to work with you to help you achieve them.

How to Apply

We have a rolling admissions deadline. If you seek an assistantship, we strongly encourage you to have your application complete before February 1 for assistantships beginning in the fall. We work hard to help students find assistantships and associateships, and other employment opportunities on campus, but these are usually highly competitive, so please send us your best work to be considered!


Application Links

  • For everything you need to apply to our graduate program, from your initial questions to the actual application material submission, please visit our online applications gateway.
  • Admissions requirements and program information can be found here.
  • Please direct any requests for information to the graduate director, Dr. Dustin Hoffman.
  • Visit Graduate Studies for more information concerning application deadlines, student housing, or tuition and fees.

Assistantship and Scholarship Information

Ready to Learn More?

The best source for specific information on our graduate programs is our Graduate Resources Page.