
Make an Appointment

Our professional career coaches are available to help you with questions about career exploration, planning, and decision-making, including:

  • exploring your career options 
  • gaining experience through experiential learning such as internships
  • completing assessments to help guide you to explore academic and career goals
  • finding a job or planning for further education

Current Students and Alumni

Career coaching is available to Winthrop students throughout your entire time in school, as well as when you become alumni. Students and alumni can schedule an appointment by logging into Handshake. For online students and alumni who are not in town, there is an option for a virtual appointment - please indicate in-person or online in your appointment request.



What to expect:

  • Sessions are about you and what is important for you.
  • Progress is made through active participation on your part. Come to the CDI ready to work and with your thoughts and ideas on your career goals!
  • You are the expert on YOU. Your Career Coach is the expert on the career planning process. Our job is to help you plan effectively and to find the information necessary to make informed decisions about your career.
  • Our Career Coaches are trained to provide you with new tactics, strategies, and ideas to help you build your career.

What NOT to expect:

  • We are not able to provide you with an exact list of employers, graduate programs, or jobs that are a "fit" for you. Instead, we can provide you with the resources to help you develop your own strong list.
  • We do not have a "test" that will tell you what to do with your career or can we tell you what path to take. We have strategies and resources for exploring the many options you have and the paths to take to reach your career goals.
  • Your academic adviser is a trained professional that can assist you with your course selection and other parameters about changing majors.
  • We do not write your resume for you. Instead, we provide you with a number of resources to build your marketing brand and the CDI staff is here to provide review and formatting suggestions.


Newly Admitted Students

Newly admitted students can utilize drop-in hours as soon as 72 hours after they have accepted their admission. Drop in (Tuesday/Thursday 11:00 am to 12:15 pm) to explore all of the resources, programs, and support services that the Winthrop CDI (Career Development and Internships) can offer you. Career Coaching services will become available once your Wingspan account is set up, which is usually a few weeks after being admitted. 


Prospective Transfer Students

Prospective students who are seeking to transfer into Winthrop from another college/university or community college, are welcome to use the following services:

  • One 30-minute consultation session: CDI coaches are available to provide you with an overview of the career decision-making process and to respond to questions about career development. Due to limited time, we recommend contacting your current college/university/community college career center, if applicable, for additional resources.
  • Career assessments: Assessments are available from STRONG to MBTI to assist you in understanding your values, skills, interests, and personality as it relates to your decision making.