
The CDI supports Winthrop faculty members by providing tools and resources that help you incorporate career-related content and language into your classroom, advising sessions, and everyday conversations with students.

Faculty giving a presentation

Workshops and Presentations

Workshops and Presentations

Request a career presentation or workshop for your class or student organization.

Learn More >

Students in class

Class Assignments

Class Assignments

Partner with us on resume reviews, mock interviews, or career assessments for your students.

Learn More >

Flight Ready QEP flag

ACUE Faculty Training

ACUE Faculty Training

Champion our students' career success by completing the ACUE Career Concentration Training.

Learn More >


Support the Career Center

There are several ways you can support the CDI and the work we do for our students.

    Do you have a student or advisee who's uncertain about their major or career?

    Do you know an employer who's not yet connected to Winthrop University?

    Refer them to our employer relations team to explore campus recruiting opportunities: post jobs and internships on Handshake, schedule an Information Table, or attend an upcoming career fair. 

    According to research by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), there are eight competencies that employers look for in recent college graduates. Read more about the Career Competencies and how your students can develop them.