Our Services


Offered for both Current Students & Alumni 

  • Career Planning 
  • Resume/Cover Letter Review
  • Job Search
  • Graduate Studies Application Preparation
  • Internship Assistance
  • LinkedIn Profile Assistance
  • We offer multiple ways of getting individual attention to your career needs. 
    • Appointments are 30 minutes - 1 hour scheduled sessions with a career consultant to discuss in-depth topics such as exploring careers, reviewing assessment results, resume review, interviewing tips, networking skills and developing career community-specific skills

Job Postings 

  • Several thousand employers recruit Winthrop students and Alumni through the job posting component of Handshake. Apply directly through the system. 

Career Fairs & Networking Opportunities

  • Employers attend Winthrop's career fairs to recruit Winthrop students and Alumni. Networking events and mixers provide students with an opportunity to network with employers and learn about a variety of industries and organizations. 
  • Get details about our upcoming fairs and networking events!

Career Assessments

  • We offer STRONG/MBTI career assessment to students who want to know more about themselves and their career interests. Students can take the assessment and review their results with one of our career consultants by making a follow-up appointment. 

Online Self-Service Tools

Class Presentations