Professional Attire

Think about it from the employer's perspective - if you were hiring an intern or professional employee, would you be more impressed with: a student in a business suit or a student dressed in jeans and a t-shirt? The basic rule is to dress one step more professionally than what you would wear on the job. Often, this means you will dress in business professional (a suit) for career fairs, interviews, and other interactions with employers.

Business Professional

Business professional is a traditional form of attire used in more conservative settings or companies with formal dress codes. When you dress in business professional attire, you are wearing generally conservative clothing to portray yourself in a professional manner.

Business Professional Attire

  • Business suit
  • Skirt
  • Dress
  • Blazer
  • Tie
  • Suit jacket
  • Button down shirt
  • Blouse
  • Dress pants
  • Dress shoes


Business Casual

Business casual attire is broadly defined as a code of dress that blends traditional business wear with a more relaxed style still professional and appropriate for an office environment.

Business Casual Attire

  • Collared shirt
  • Blouse
  • Sweater
  • Oxford or Polo shirt
  • Khaki’s
  • Dress pants
  • Closed-toed shoes
  • Conservative dresses and skirts
  • Optional tie, jacket, blazer, cardigan or sport coat

Flip-flops and tennis shoes are not business professional nor business casual


Tips for Professional Dress

  • The basic rule is to dress one step above what you’d be wearing on the job
  • Be conservative; always better to be overdressed than underdressed
  • Allow time for tailoring / alterations if necessary
  • Research your field, the organization, and industry and dress the part
  • If you are not sure what is appropriate attire for your field, it is ok to call Human Resources to ask

Download our Dress for Success flyer with Business Professional and Casual tips - (PDF 13.6 MB)


Career Closets On Campus

Center for Career Development and Internships (CDI)

  • Contact: CDI Main Office, 
  • Location: Bancroft Annex, Room 312
  • How to access/hours of operation: Drop-in hours Tuesday/Thursday 11 am-12:15 pm and by appointment Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
  • CDI Career Closet

College of Business and Technology

College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences Department of Social Work


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