College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences

Assessment of Student Performance Data

The diagram below displays the design of the Unit Assessment System for collection and use of student performance data.

Unit Assessment of Student Performance Data: Starting on the upper left, the diagram indicates that the Unit Standards Conceptual Frameworks, Specialized Professional Association (SPA), state, and national standards are the drivers for the expected competencies for students in the College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences at Winthrop University. These competencies align with professional accreditation standards and were determined in collaboration with the professional community. Candidate competence on each outcome is assessed at multiple points across the program by key work samples (artifacts) or performance surveys. Candidate work samples are scored using agreed upon rubrics. Performance assessment scores are collected at the end of each semester from the instructors of the appropriate courses. All educator preparatory programs use LiveText, a data and course management system. These data are aggregated yearly and analyzed by the program area team. These aggregated scores are used for program and unit review and improvement.