College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences

Study Abroad

Winthrop University and the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences strongly encourage its students to participate in long term (one semester or one year) study abroad during their undergraduate careers. Study abroad is excellent preparation for work and citizenship in a diverse society and an increasingly globalized world.

With proper planning, a semester or year abroad can be seamlessly integrated into a four-year degree plan allowing students to experience the world and graduate on time.

For most semester and academic year programs, students pay regular Winthrop tuition, room, and board and are able to use their scholarships, grants and loans toward the cost of study abroad. Students can also apply for additional financial aid.

Winthrop University students can participate in more than 20 semester or academic year programs abroad and transfer credit back to Winthrop.  The College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences has identified at least two programs that are well-suited for students majoring in all education degree programs. 

More information about program options, financial aid, credit transfer, and application deadlines can be found on the International Center's website: or browse program options through the Winthrop Study Abroad Programs portal.  

Recommended plans of study and other information can be found on the College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences's Degree Checklist page.

Study Abroad options and recommended plans of study for the following programs are available from the College of Visual and Performing Arts:

  • Art Education
  • Dance Education
  • Music Education — Choral Certification
  • Music Education — Instrumental Certification
  • Theatre Education

Study Abroad options and recommended plans of study for the following programs offered cooperatively with the College of Arts and Sciences are available on the relevant department's web site:

  • Biology Education 
  • English Education
  • French Education
  • Mathematics Education 
  • Social Studies Certification — History
  • Social Studies Certification — Political Science 
  • Spanish Education