College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences


College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences Bylaws

    The name of this organization shall be the Faculty Assembly of the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences. [Hereafter, the phrase Faculty Assembly shall refer to the Faculty Assembly of the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences.]

      The Faculty Assembly shall be responsible for:

      1. its organization and procedures as established in these Bylaws;

      2. the undergraduate and graduate academic programs, policies, and regulations of the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences within the limitations prescribed by the Faculty Conference and/or Graduate FacultyAssembly of Winthrop University;

      3. such additional matters as shall be referred to by the Faculty Conference and/or Graduate Faculty Assembly of Winthrop University, the President, the Vice-president for Academic Affairs, or the Dean of the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences.

      The Faculty Assembly shall create and instruct all subordinate committees, standing and select, and may periodically review their major decisions.

      The Faculty Assembly shall be the principal legislative body of the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences faculty. All actions of the Faculty Assembly shall be subject to review by the Dean of the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences in a timely manner not to exceed fifteen business days during the Fall and Spring semesters, exclusive of weekends and holidays. Thereupon, the Dean shall forward the review and the action of the Faculty Assembly to the next stage of the legislative process.

      The minutes shall be filed with the Secretary of the Faculty Conference, and the actions of the Faculty Assembly may be reviewed by the Faculty Conference or its subordinate bodies in accordance with the Bylaws of the Faculty Conference of Winthrop University.

    All full-time faculty members holding academic rank of instructor or higher in the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences shall be members of the Faculty Assembly.

      The presiding officer of the Faculty Assembly shall be titled Chair of the Faculty Assembly. The Chair shall be a full-time, tenured faculty member in the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences. [No administrator shall be eligible to be the Chair of the Faculty Assembly.]

      The Chair shall accede to service as presiding officer in the year following election as Vice-chair [with the exception of the first Chair, who shall be elected without first serving as Vice-chair].

      The Vice-chair shall serve as presiding officer in the absence of the Chair. In instances when neither officer is available, the Chair of the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences Rules Committee shall preside. The Vice-chair shall be charged with the formation of a committee concerned with social and benevolent matters, as needed.

      The Secretary of the Faculty Assembly shall be appointed by the Chair of the Faculty Assembly to serve a term concurrent with that of the Chair.

      The Parliamentarian of the Faculty Assembly shall be appointed by the Chair of the Faculty Assembly to serve a term concurrent with that of the Chair.

      The Chair of the Faculty Assembly shall notify the Faculty Assembly at its first meeting of the academic year. At least one meeting of the Faculty Assembly shall be held each semester.

      Special meetings shall be held at the call of the Chair or the Dean or upon the request of ten percent of the Faculty Assembly. [The Vice-chair may call special meetings in the absence of the Chair.]

      The agenda for regular or special meetings of the Faculty Assembly shall be prepared by the Chair in consultation with the Dean. The agenda shall be distributed so that it is available to the membership of the Faculty Assembly no less than five working days before a meeting. [In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-chair in consultation with the Dean will prepare the agenda.]

      A list of Faculty Assembly members, based on eligibility set forth in Article III of these Bylaws, shall be composed by the Chair and presented to the Faculty Assembly at its first meeting of each Fall and Spring semester. If a person’s membership is questioned, the Faculty Assembly shall determine eligibility.

      A quorum is required to conduct the business of the Faculty Assembly and shall consist of a simple majority of the eligible membership. The specific number required for a quorum shall be determined by the Chair at the beginning of each semester and shall be published in the agenda of the first meeting of the Fall and Spring semesters.

      When an item on the agenda requires a vote, approval by a simple majority of a duly established quorum shall constitute passage of an item, except in matters pertaining to revision of these Bylaws and/or other matters as defined under Roberts’ Rules of Order. If attendance falls below the number required for a quorum, debate may continue, but the only motion in order shall be a motion to adjourn.

      Nothing in these Bylaws shall be construed as denying the Dean the right to place items on the agenda of any scheduled meeting, to present reports to the faculty at any scheduled meeting, or to be recognized on the same basis as any member of the Faculty Assembly to discuss matters brought before it at any scheduled meeting.

      The Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences shall consist of academic, administrative, and service departments [e.g., Student Academic Services]. Any change in the organization of departments shall involve consultation with the Faculty Assembly. The Dean shall assign each faculty member to an academic department.

      Academic departments are responsible for developing and maintaining programs and courses offered by the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences. Approved programs shall receive administrative support to maintain their integrity and continuance.

      The President of Winthrop University appoints the Chair or Director for each academic, administrative, or service department. Appointment is based upon the recommendation of the Provost and the Dean. The Chair shall be the presiding officer for all departmental business. An academic departmental chair shall be an academic leader, who is tenured or in a tenure-track position and who shall support and work with departmental colleagues. In the event of a vacancy, the Dean shall form a committee composed of members from the academic department and one Dean’s appointee. The committee shall make recommendation(s) to the Dean to fill a departmental chair vacancy.

      There shall be five governance standing committees of the Faculty Assembly and accreditation standing committees. The Faculty Assembly standing committees are:

      1. Curriculum Committee
      2. Elections Committee
      3. Faculty Development Committee (committee work suspended by faculty 3/6/2020)
      4. Promotion and Tenure Committee
      5. Rules Committee

      The accreditation standing committees are:

      1. Dispositions Committee
      2. Diversity Committee
      3. Field Experience and Clinical Practice Committee (committee membership will be reconsidered in 2020-2021)
      4. Unit Assessment Committee

      The Faculty Assembly may create select committees or task forces upon request by its members or by the Faculty Conference, Graduate Faculty Assembly, the President, Provost or Office of the Dean. Decisions of all select committees or task forces are subject to approval by the Faculty Assembly. No select committee or task force may be created to replace the responsibilities of standing committees as described in these Bylaws.

      Each standing committee shall develop its own procedures subject to review and approval by the Faculty Assembly. Procedures shall be consistent with all provisions of the Bylaws of the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences and those of the University. Each governance standing committee will elect its chair from its membership. A chair shall serve no more than one consecutive term as chair. All members of standing committees shall be elected to staggered terms as determined by the Elections Committee and must hold tenure or be in a regular tenure-track appointment. No one in an administrative position (including departmental chairs) may serve on the following committees: Promotion and Tenure and Faculty Development.

      Faculty members on the accreditation standing committees are appointed by the Dean of the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences for staggered three-year terms. Individual three-year terms are renewable. The chair of each accreditation standing committee shall be a faculty member and shall be appointed by the Dean of the Richard W. College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences. Chairs may serve multiple terms. Each accreditation committee will have one representative from the College of Arts and Sciences and one representative from the College of Visual and Performing Arts. Those representatives will be jointly appointed by the Dean of the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences and the Dean of the respective college. As appropriate, an accreditation standing committee will have at least one member representing school or agency partners. College administrators serving on accreditation committees do not have term limits.

      The purpose of the Promotion and Tenure Committee of the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences is to make recommendations to the Dean on all matters concerning promotion and tenure of faculty. The committee shall also be responsible to the Faculty Assembly for making recommendations concerning policies and procedures for appointments, reappointments, promotion, and tenure. Committee members dissenting from a majority recommendation may submit a minority report. If different members dissent in different ways, more than one minority report may be submitted. Any minority report will be sent with committee report.

      The Promotion and Tenure Committee shall include a tenured faculty member elected by each academic department in the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences. One tenured, full-time faculty at-large member shall be elected by the Faculty Assembly to serve on the College Promotion and Tenure Committee. Subsequent to their election to the College Promotion and Tenure Committee, the Faculty Assembly shall elect one of these persons to serve as the College’s representative to the University Personnel Committee.

      A faculty member cannot serve on both the department and college promotion and tenure committees at the same time. However, if a departmental level review committee is unable to form a departmental committee that includes a sufficient number of tenured members from that department, simultaneous service of not more than one member shall be permissible within the department committee and the college faculty assembly personnel committee only.

      The term of office for each committee member shall be three years. During the Spring semester, the Promotion and Tenure Committee shall elect one of its continuing members to serve as chair for the next academic year.

      Each academic department shall establish a departmental promotion and tenure committee responsible for reviewing departmental faculty applications for promotion and tenure and for making recommendations to the Department Chair and the Promotion and Tenure Committee. Each academic department shall elect five tenured faculty members from within the department, if possible; otherwise, the department shall elect tenured faculty members from outside the department but within the college. The committee shall select its own chair.

      The Faculty Development Committee will be suspended until Academic Year 2022-2023. During that year the Faculty Assembly will reevaluate its purpose. This change was made by vote of the Faculty Assembly on 3/6/2020.

      The Curriculum Committee shall be responsible for reviewing all graduate and undergraduate curricular proposals and for making recommendations to the Faculty Assembly. Membership shall consist of one faculty member elected from each academic department and one at-large member, tenured or untenured, elected by the Faculty Assembly. The term of office for all members shall be two years. The committee shall elect its chair.

      The Elections Committee shall be responsible to the Faculty Assembly for the preparation, distribution, and recording of all ballots and other nomination and election materials, the conducting of elections, and certifying to the faculty all elections. The committee shall make recommendations to the Faculty Assembly on the methods for voting. The committee shall include one member from each department, elected by the Faculty Assembly. The term of office shall be two years. The committee shall elect its chair.

      The Rules Committee shall be responsible for recommending to the Faculty Assembly special rules of order and appropriate changes in the Bylaws of the Faculty Assembly and for reviewing guidelines or bylaws of all standing and select committees, task forces, or constituent assemblies of the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences to determine consistency with these Bylaws. Membership shall consist of one member elected by each academic department and one at-large member elected by the Faculty Assembly. The term of office shall be two years. The committee shall elect its chair.

      The Unit Assessment Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the system for data collection, analysis and evaluation, and for the use of data for program improvement for graduate and undergraduate programs in the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences. The committee is responsible for monitoring compliance with SACSCOC assessment standards for the College and all programs in the College, with CAEP Standards for the College, and with program accreditation standards. The committee will assist in preparation of the CAEP Institutional Report and other College and program accreditation reports as needed. The Unit Assessment Committee shall review all SACSCOC Program Assessment Template Plans and program continuous improvement plans and provide written feedback to program faculty on an annual basis. The Unit Assessment Committee also shall review aggregated unit data and provide written reviews to the Dean of the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences and other bodies as appropriate.

      Membership shall consist of at least one faculty representative from each academic department, one faculty member representing graduate programs in the college, one faculty member representing undergraduate programs, one teacher education faculty representative from the College of Arts and Sciences, one teacher education faculty representative from the College of Visual and Performing Arts, one faculty member representing non-teacher education programs, and the following administrators from the College: CAEP Coordinator, Unit Assessment Coordinator, Director of Graduate Studies, Director of Student Academic Services, and chairs from each academic department. The committee can recommend additional members to the Dean of College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences.

      The Field Experience and Clinical Practice Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the design, implementation, and evaluation of clinical and field experiences for initial certification graduate and undergraduate programs. The committee will monitor compliance with CAEP Standards and will assist in preparation of the CAEP Institutional Report. The committee will also support compliance with other program accreditation requirements related to field experiences or clinical practice.

      Membership shall consist of a minimum of two faculty representing initial teacher certification programs, two faculty members representing graduate programs involving clinical practice, one teacher education faculty member from the College of Arts and Sciences, one teacher education faculty member from the College of Visual and Performing Arts, one faculty member representing non-teacher education programs, and at least two representatives from school and/or agency partners. The CAEP Coordinator and the following College administrators from Student Academic Services shall hold membership on this committee: Director of Student Academic Services, Coordinator of Supervision, and Coordinator of Field Placements. The committee can recommend additional members to the Dean of College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences.

      The Diversity Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the Diversity Plan for the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences. The committee will support compliance with diversity standards and goals for all College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences programs, including monitoring compliance with CAEP Standard Four, and assisting in preparation of the CAEP Institutional Report and other accreditation reports. This includes design, implementation and evaluation of curriculum and field experiences that address needs of diverse learners, as well as recruitment and retention of diverse faculty and students.

      Membership shall consist of at least one faculty member from each academic department, one faculty member with expertise in working with diverse populations from the College of Arts and Sciences and one from the College of Visual and Performing Arts, one faculty member representing non-teacher education programs and at least two representatives from school and/or agency partners. At least one faculty member should represent undergraduate programs and one graduate programs. The CAEP Coordinator and the Director of Student Academic Services shall serve on this committee. The committee can recommend additional members to the Dean of College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences.

      The Dispositions Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the Dispositions system for the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences. The committee will provide oversight to the process and the materials used to collect dispositional data on preservice teacher development throughout the program. Specific annual tasks may include: reviewing relevant procedures and materials; analyzing data to share with faculty/clinical partners; and providing resources and support for faculty/clinical partners. Other tasks may include updating the materials and website and providing training for faculty/clinical partners.

      Membership shall be appointed to consist of at least seven faculty that meet the following categories: (Note a faculty member may meet more than one category) One representative from CLES, one representative from the Core, one representative from C & P, one representative from the College of Arts and Sciences Education faculty, one representative from the College of Visual and Performing Arts Education faculty, one ad hoc representative, one representative from school and/or agency partners, and faculty from both undergraduate and graduate programs.

      Members will serve a three-year term. The Dean of the College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences will appoint the chair and College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences faculty. Education faculty appointed from the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Visual and Performing Arts will be appointed by the Dean of the College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences and the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences or the Dean of The College of Visual and Performing Arts. The committee will nominate a representative from a school and/or agency partner.

      The following individuals will serve as ex-officio members and may be asked to participate when appropriate: Director of Field and Clinical Experiences, Director of Student Academic Services, Educator Services Coordinator, and/or Unit Assessment Coordinator.

      Article VII, section 3, paragraph 2 amended and approved by Faculty Assembly on November 14, 2003.

      Article VII, section 1, paragraph 1; section 2, paragraph 1 and 2; section 3, paragraph 1; section 8, 9, and 10 added to bylaws. Amended and approved by Faculty Assembly on March 5, 2010.

      Article VII, section 3, paragraph 3 and 4 added. Amended and approved by Faculty Assembly on March 25, 2017.

      Article VII, section 3, paragraph 3. Amended and approved by Faculty Assembly on May 17, 2019.

      Article VII, section 5, paragraph 3 added. Amended and approved by Faculty Assembly on March 6, 2020.

    These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Faculty Assembly by a two-thirds vote of members present and voting. A proposed amendment must first be reviewed by the Rules Committee. If the Rules Committee finds the proposed amendment consistent with the Bylaws, it then is placed on the agenda for discussion at the next regular Faculty Assembly meeting. A vote to approve or disapprove the amendment shall be taken at the following meeting of the Faculty Assembly. The Chair of the Rules Committee will present the approved amendment to the University Rules Committee for review.

    In an emergency, two-thirds of the total faculty may vote to waive temporarily any procedure stipulated in these Bylaws.

    These Bylaws shall become operative once approved by the Faculty Assembly, reviewed by the Rules Committee of the Faculty Conference of Winthrop University, and approved by the Provost.

Official copy maintained in faculty manual.