Faculty & Staff Profiles

Name: Amy Clausen

Title: Assistant Professor - Special Education

Education:  Ph.D., Special Education, UNC-Charlotte; M.Ed., Behavior Analysis, University of Cincinnati; B.S., Special Education, Morehead State University          

Office: 232-E Withers/W.T.S. Building  

Phone: 803/323-4739

E-mail: clausena@winthrop.edu

Web: https://amyclausen.wixsite.com/sped 

Area(s): Special Education

Dr. Amy Clausen joined the Winthrop family in fall 2022. She earned her Ph.D. in special education in 2022 from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Prior to moving to Charlotte for her doctoral program, Amy taught 7th and 8th grade students with extensive support needs (both academic and behavioral) in Louisiana. Amy's areas of expertise are in access to the general curriculum and inclusive education for students with extensive support needs. Amy is an active member of the Council for Exceptional Children, including the Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Division for Research, and the Teacher Education Division.