Graduate Studies

Program of Study

A Program of Study is a name sometimes used to describe a degree checklist. You can find your degree checklist in "Degree Works" located in Wingspan. From time to time, you will need to substitute a course due to scheduling conflicts. Your advisor will help you choose an appropriate course and make sure that your individual degree checklist is updated appropriately. Students should not take a course not listed in "Degree Works" without consulting their advisor. Before you are cleared for graduation, the office of Records and Registration will review your "Degree Works" to make sure you have completed all of the appropriate course work.

Adobe Reader icon All forms are available in pdf format.

Master of Arts in Teaching

MAT One Year Option (pdf - 82 KB)
MAT Physical Education (pdf - 52 KB)
MAT (other content areas) (pdf - 50 KB)

Master of Education

MED CSDV-School (pdf - 179 KB)
MED CSDV-Clinical (pdf - 176 KB)
MEd Educational Leadership (pdf - 37 KB)
MEd Literacy (pdf - 47 KB)
MEd Special Education (pdf - 28 KB)

Master of Education- Curriculum and Instruction

MEd C&I Early Childhood/Elementary (pdf - 29 KB)
MEd C&I Secondary Education (pdf - 38 KB)
MEd C&I Educational Technology (pdf - 37 KB)

Master of Science

MS SPFA Research Project Program of Study (pdf - 51 KB)
MS SPFA Practicum Program of Study (pdf - 49 KB)