College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences

Partnership Network


The Partnership Network is a collaborative group of schools (selected through an application process) and content area mentor teachers commitment to the shared responsibility of teacher preparation and professional learning. The Network is housed and facilitated through the Rex Institute for Educational Renewal and Partnerships (/ceshs/rex).

Participating Schools:

A list of Partnership Network schools including the principals and school liaisons is available at /ceshs/rex/partnership-network-sites.aspx.

School Liaison:

Each school has a designated liaison who is conduit for communication between the school and the university. The liaison is considered a Winthrop employee and encourages contact by and with Winthrop faculty.

Winthrop Faculty-in-Residence (WFIR) (/ceshs/rex/winthrop-faculty-in-residence.aspx):

WFIR are university faculty members assigned to specific schools (Professional Development Schools) to support significant collaboration, action research, and professional learning. Faculty interested in becoming a WFIR should contact the Rex Institute Director.

Content Area Assemblies (CAA):

Mentor teachers in K-12 and secondary fields are members of the Partnership Network through their CAA. Since these teachers are often in the minority at their schools (e.g., foreign language, art, science), the CAA was created to allow an opportunity for Network participation.