Placement Tests

Math Placement Exam (MPE)

You should plan to take the Math Placement Exam prior to Orientation.


Language Placement Exam (LPE)

Why is the LPE important?

The Language Placement Exam (LPE) is important to take so that you are placed in the correct level of your chosen foreign language.
It's also a good idea to take your foreign language requirements starting in your first year at Winthrop. Putting off these courses can have negative consequences: 

  • Students lose the skills and knowledge they acquired in high school and/or previous college courses. Because of this, students will have to start at a lower level, taking more classes than necessary.
  • Because the 100 level courses which most students take are 4 credit hours, the courses are sometimes more difficult to fit in your student schedule in later semesters of college when major requirements are more rigorous.
  • Having taken foreign language courses early in the college career, many students decide to major or minor in a foreign language, which makes them more marketable for job searches later.

Getting a Job after Winthrop

Learning and/or being fluent in a foreign language can make you more marketable when job searching. Take it from these folks:

LPE & Orientation

You should plan to take the Language Placement Exam prior to Orientation. If you're not sure if your major requires a foreign language, visit the LPE website.