Director's Message

Welcome to Winthrop's Office of New Student & Family Programs (NSFP)!

We are excited to have you as part of our Winthrop community. Our office strives to provide a welcoming and preparational experience through both Orientation and Welcome Week. Everyone's path to college is unique, and we work to celebrate those differences while providing tools for you to succeed here. For these reasons, Orientation is a requirement for all new students and certain Welcome Week events are required of new and returning students.

During Freshman Orientation and Transfer Orientation, you will be busy! Throughout the full schedule, you'll learn more about what to expect in your first semester at WU, and you'll also learn about our expectations of you as an Eagle. Take advantage of your time on campus during Orientation. We want you to feel at home here, and it all starts with Orientation.

In addition to various faculty and staff, you'll meet your Orientation Leader (OL) or your Transfer Fellow (TF). These current students will serve as your guide as you transition to Winthrop life. Our hope is that you use them as a resource and get to know them. They applied and were chosen in these positions because they love Winthrop and care about helping you start your Winthrop experience successfully. Plus, consider being an OL or TF yourself!

Welcome Week is one of our most treasured traditions on campus. This is an exciting time every August when new and current students return to campus for the next academic year. There is a full week of events, sponsored by offices across campus, including the DiGiorgio Student Union (DSU), designed to be informative, engaging, and fun. For our incoming students in the Spring semester, University College Academic Advising hosts Welcome Weekend.

For the parents and family members of Eagles, NSFP also works to provide opportunities to learn more about the student experience and how to support your student in their transition and time at Winthrop. We hope that you join us at Family Orientation and Family Day, and that you find the Eagle Family Connection newsletter to be resourceful and informative.

Whether you are a prospective student, current student, or a Winthrop family member, the NSFP staff is here to assist and guide you. Feel free to stop by our office in 248 DIGS and explore our website to learn more about us.

Go Eagles!