College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences

Unit Assessment Data Review Process

The Data Review Process

Annually, the program committees, the Unit Assessment Committee, the Dean's Council, and the CESHS Dean review aggregated data, record reflections and recommendations, and make appropriate changes. All programs in the CESHS have a system for collection and use of student performance data based on SACS Program Assessment Plans. Aggregated assessment data are reviewed annually and reflections and recommendations are recorded on the SACS Program Assessment Plan Annual Reports, a format used by all programs on campus. The Unit Assessment Committee (UAC) reviews Program Annual Reports and SACS Program Assessment Plan templates. The attached Program Assessment Plan rubric is used to provide feedback to the programs on the use of their assessment system. The UAC also reviews aggregated unit-level data such as Employer Surveys, Teacher Preparation Exit Surveys, and Graduate Follow-up Surveys. The UAC completes a Committee Data Review Form and provides feedback to programs and the Dean. The Diversity Committee and Clinical and Field Experiences Committee review relevant data as well. The Diversity Committee reviews data on faculty and candidate diversity, local P-12 school composition, and teacher education candidate progress on unit diversity outcomes. The Clinical and Field Experiences Committee reviews aggregated results of mentor and university supervisor evaluations as well as general feedback provided by mentor teachers. 

Each year, Dean's Council completes a significant data review of multiple sources of unit-level data across the following categories: (a) Students and Programs, (b) Faculty and Staff, (c) Services and Operations, and (d) Budget and Resources, as well as departmental and college annual reports, and provides feedback to programs and suggestions to the Dean. The Unit Assessment Flow Chart provides a graphic display of the feedback loop.

Academic Year Data Review Timeline for CESHS

September - Programs review aggregated student data from the previous academic year and complete the SACS Program Assessment Plan updates for that year by October 15. (Faculty can contact the Associate Dean or the Unit Assessment Coordinator for access to this site).

October - Dean's Council completes a significant data review of multiple sources of unit-level data across the following categories and completes the Dean's Council Unit Assessment Data Review Form. Evidence includes the data supplied by the Unit Assessment Coordinator (Data Analysis Schedule), and annual reports from accreditation committees, departments, units, and the college. The College Annual Report reflecting data review and results is submitted to Institutional Effectiveness by November 1.

November - UAC reviews SACS Program Assessment Plan updates using the Program Assessment Plan Rubric. Feedback is provided to the programs, and they resubmit their revised assessment plan by February 15 of the next year.

February - Program Annual Reports and SACS Program Assessment Plans are submitted to Institutional Effectiveness for the previous academic year. These reports are also posted on LiveText for other groups to use. (Faculty can contact the Associate Dean or the Unit Assessment Coordinator for access to this site). Chairs and center directors submit Planning and Budget Needs Report for upcoming year, based on data-informed program and departmental needs.

March - Dean submits college Planning and Budget Needs Report to Vice President of Academic Affairs, based on department and center reports and other unit data-informed needs by March 15.

January-May - UAC, Diversity Committee, and Field Experience Committees review relevant aggregated unit data from the previous year (e.g., Follow-up Surveys, Diversity Assessments, Mentor Teacher Evaluation Summaries) and make recommendations to appropriate units or programs. 

June - Accreditation Committee, Unit, and Departmental Annual Reports submitted to the CESHS Dean's Office.

August - Initial draft of College Annual Report completed.  (Not submitted until October when Dean's Council review of unit data is completed). 

Collection, Storage, Aggregation, and Dissemination of Unit Assessment Data: A Unit Assessment Coordinator and the Associate Dean are responsible for overseeing the Unit Assessment System. The Data Analysis Schedule provides an overview of all the types of data collected by the college, who reviews the data, and when it is reviewed.  Student performance assessment scores are collected at the end of each semester from the instructors of the appropriate courses. All teacher educator programs use LiveText, a data and course management system. LiveText also serves as a site to store aggregated data, committee data reviews, program assessment plans, and committee minutes for programs and college committees.