Counseling Services

Resources for Returning Military Veterans

Counseling Services for Veterans

Being a Military Veteran on a college campus has it's own benefits and challenges.  Sometimes, returning veterans have difficulty managing intense reactions to their combat experiences and/or functioning in daily activities.  Sometimes, returning veterans simply appreciate a place where they can process the experience of being older and wiser than the average traditional college student.  Counseling Services is a resource for you!  The goal of Counseling Services is to offer the support and services that will ease the transition of returning veterans to college life at Winthrop and, when necessary, to provide referrals to other Winthrop and community resources. Clinicians can help veterans identify, prioritize, and implement strategies to address their specific concerns and challenges. To learn more about Counseling Services, please check out the Counseling Services Web site or contact Counseling Services in person or by phone (Crawford Building, 323-2206).

The War Experience

Normal Feelings about an Abnormal Experience

Challenges Transitioning to Civilian Life

Moving from War to Academic Zones

Suggestions for a Successful Transition

Signs that Counseling Might be Helpful

War Zone Stress Reactions and PTSD

Panic Attacks

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