Services Offered

Winthrop University's Health Services is an appointment-based clinic, offering episodic urgent and primary care services. Office visits with registered nurses and nurse practitioners are offered to all eligible students at no charge. Other services like minor office procedures, testing, specimen collection, medication administration, etc. will incur a minimal fee, billed directly to the student's account as "Health Services." 

A list of current prices can be found here (pdf - 170K). This price list is updated each year. 


Health Services offers most routine diagnostic laboratory tests either onsite or in partnership with the South Carolina Public Health Laboratory and LabCorp. Tests ordered by an outside provider may be obtained on site and sent to an outside lab for a minimal fee.

Sexual Health Counseling 

Students can speak with a healthcare professional about issues related to sexual health, contraception, sexually transmitted infections, and undergo confidential testing in a safe, non-judgmental environment.
Confidential test results and your conversation with your provider will become part of your medical record, which is subject to HIPPA privacy standards, and will remain on file only within Health Services. This information cannot be shared with anyone, including your family, friends, or faculty or staff at Winthrop unless you sign the Authorization for Disclosure of Protected Health Information Form (pdf - 29.98 KB).

Travel Clinic

The Winthrop Travel Clinic is a service offered to those who plan to either travel or study abroad. A pre-travel appointment is scheduled to determine your healthcare needs, information about disease risks, as well as health information for your specific destination. Preventive medications and vaccinations are given as needed. Call 803/323-2206 for more information or to set up an appointment.

Location and Hours

Health Services is located on the third floor of Joynes Hall

Fall and Spring Semester:                     

Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm
Closed daily for lunch from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.

Summer Semester:                                                        

Monday - Thursday, 8:00am - 5:30pm                                                                          Friday - Appointment times may vary; please call for availability. 

Closed daily for lunch from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.

(Health Services follows the Winthrop University calendar inclement weather policy. If University Offices are closed, we are as well.)