Student Advocacy and Trauma Support


Students reporting incidents of sexual assault are often concerned for their privacy and have questions about confidentiality. The SATS Program Coordinator and the SATS Counselors have different levels of confidentiality from one another.

    Limited confidential reporting consists of those communications that will not be disseminated to others except on a need-to-know basis. A limited confidential reporting source has the obligation to enlist designated campus resources to ensure that necessary steps are taken to ensure the safety of the campus community as a whole, as well as its individual members. Such disclosures will be limited to a finite group of people all with the same confidentiality obligations. These steps will include investigating the incident and disclosing the confidential communications to others on a need-to-know basis. 

    Student Advocacy and Trauma Support Counselors cannot disclose information without the reporter's consent to any other person, except under very limited circumstances (e.g., imminent threat of danger to self or others). Read the Confidentiality Policy for Counseling Services and SATS Counseling.


Important Note about Confidentiality

All university employees except for Mental Health Counselors are mandated reporters who are required to share all reports of sexual misconduct through our reporting system. These reports are routed to the SATS Program Coordinator who provides OPTIONAL resources to the student.